This is a limited availability product that is generally only available between November to February.
Starting your compost bin with a mixture of worm species gives you better compost faster! The worms will work on all layers of the compost and not just the top few inches.
Your order will include:
- 3-in-1 blend of super red worms: Eisenia fetida (Red Wigglers), Eisenia hortensis (European Nightcrawlers), and Perionyx excavatus (Indian Blues). Worms are cleaned and weighed before bedding is added. Ratio for each worm varies.
Free shipping for BC and AB addresses. $10 flat rate expedited shipping for rest of Canada.
Why the price difference between assorted red worms and individual breed?
We keep several worm composting systems for casting production with a mixed breed of worms. The worms are not specially bred for sale like Red Wigglers and European Nightcrawlers. When harvesting and sifting castings, some of the assorted red worms are also harvested and are sold at a discounted price. At peak composting season between Spring and Fall, we may decide to not decrease the worm population of our composting systems as to keep the castings coming.